The Kingdom Warriors' Blog


The enemy’s weapons: Shame

Filed under: Spiritual Warfare School — kellporten @ 14:03

We will have a look at two examples of shame; Shame because of what we have done, and shame because of not being good enough.

The enemy’s ’second victory’

Someone said: ’Don’t allow the enemy to get two victories from the same thing’. You could say that shame, is that ‘second victory’. The enemy gains a victory when he can make us do something wrong. But, if we sin, we should confess before God, instead of feeling shame.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

When we confess our sins, we are forgiven, and everything would be ok, if it were not for the enemy’s attack with shame. When shame attacks, we feel as if we should not have the right to be strong and happy. ‘How badly I have behaved. How could I do that?‘ Instead of going forward in freedom, on the basis of having been forgiven, we go around feeling ashamed of what we have done.

The feeling of not being good enough

Another variant of shame may be due to other people’s opinions about us. And, we may also have an unrealistic expectation of ourselves, e.g. we want to be able to do more, be smarter, etc. When we fall short of meeting the expectations, the enemy can easily make us feel ashamed.

What are the consequences of shame?

There are consequences of the enemy’s attack of shame. Some of them are depression, fatigue, aches in our bodies, and stomach problems. But the most serious consequence of shame is that it steals our identity in Christ. We are redeemed to serve God in freedom, but shame will make us feel useless, insecure and so on.

How should we deal with the enemy’s weapons shame?

Rom. 10:11
As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”

God does not want you to walk around feeling ashamed. If you have done wrong, He waits for you to confess it. Then He forgives you, and lets you go ahead without shame.

Do you feel ashamed for not being as skilled, or as smart as others? Then realize that in God’s eyes, you are valuable. Look at yourself the way He looks at you!

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